If you are also researching Camphish Termux Commands, How to use camphish in termux, or How to install camphish in termux then you have come to the right place, here we are telling you completely about Camphish.
Camphish is easy to use but not everyone knows how we can see the captured image from camphish, here we are telling you to see the Camphish Termux Commands as well as the image captured by camphish.
In this article, we are telling you the complete tutorial of Camphish Termux Commands from installing camphish, all this is being told to you for educational purposes, do not misuse it in any way.
This article is only for Educational Purpose. Don’t miss use your Knowledge and Skills.
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Cam Phishing Github
As the name suggests, Cam Phishing here everyone knows about Phishing, just here Cam has been put ahead, Cam means here Camera, in easy language, if we understand Cam Phishing then we can also say Camera Phishing.
The tool used in Cam Phishing is the name of the tool camphish, it is easily found on Github, however, apart from camphish, there are some tools using which images can be captured from Camera.
But camphish is a simple and easy-to-use tool, so this tool is used the most, but to install this tool, you must know about Camphish Termux Commands.
Here you must also know about the Phishing attacks, we have told you about the Best Phishing Tool for termux first, if you have not had it, then you can read that too.
Camphish Termux Commands
We hope that you must have come to know about the camphish tool, now let us tell you practically about Camphish Termux Commands, here we are telling you this step by step, do not miss any step here

First of all, you have to upgrade your termux, it is not necessary but still, once you do this, the commands to upgrade have been told in the article on How to use termux as a Beginner Free Guide and you can also see in the image.

Here in our case there is an upgrade already, so something is showing like this, after that you have to install some packages, if you have read our How to use Termux as a Beginner Free Guide then you must have already installed.

After doing all this, you have to download the camphish tool, to download you have to run this command git clone https://github.com/techchipnet/CamPhish, after that the camphish tool will be downloaded in your termux, after that you follow all the camphish termux commands step by step.

After doing all this, you have to give execute permission to the tool as you can see in the image, in the same way, you also have to give execute permission to this tool, after that you can use this tool.

After doing all this, you have to give this command to run the tool bash.camphish.sh, this tool opens in front of you in this way, here we are telling you all Camphish Termux Commands step by step, so you have some kind of make no mistake.
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After this you have to use ngrok here, after following all these steps, you can see here in the next option, in this you get three types of templates which we can use here, here you have to give a token of ngrok also.

You get the token of ngrok from the website of ngrok, you have to create your account on the website of ngrok after that, you will get the ngrok token in the dashboard itself, something like this

After doing all this you have to give this ngrok token to the camphish tool, here in our case this is ngrok token and in your case, this token will be different so don’t make any mistake here.
We hope that you are following all the Camphish Termux Commands correctly, after that the PHP server and ngrok server will start in front of you and your link will be generated.

Here we want to tell you one thing here if you get an error show then you try again by turning on the hotspot of your mobile because we got this error, so you are being told here, after this your ngrok link will be generated correctly.

After doing all this, when we send this link to the victim, something like this opens in front of it, here we can also use our templates if you want, if you have some programming knowledge then you can do this.

After this, as soon as the victim allows here, we keep clicking pictures from his camera as you can see in the image, here we have received a cam file, now here we have to see this image because this image is not showing in our gallery.

That’s why we are telling you to see this image through termux only, to see the image in termux, we have to install a package here as you can see in the image, here we have installed this package.

After installing this package, we can see the images in termux as you can see in the image here we have randomly clicked the picture and through termux, we can see this image like this.
Final Words
We hope that you have come to know about Camphish Termux Commands completely, we have told you practically about complete Camphish Termux Commands from installing.
Here we have also told you to show the image captured by camphish in Camphish Termux Commands, it is not that this is the only way to see the image, there are other ways by which images can be seen.
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