In this article we are talking about How to Install Metasploit in Termux, if you also want to know about Install Metasploit in Termux then you have come to the right place.
Here we are telling you two easy ways to Install Metasploit in Termux practically by following which you can very easily install Metasploit in Termux and use it
We all know what is Metasploit and why is it used, it is pre-installed in Kali Linux, but Metasploit has to be installed in Termux, you will also know all the requirements to install in Termux in this article.
If you also want to know how Metasploit is used in GUI mode or how it is used in Kali Linux, then you can read these two articles, you have been told everything practically. Metasploit Framework Tutorial, How to use Metasploit Framework.
This article is only for Educational Purpose. Don’t miss use your Knowledge and Skills.
What is the Metasploit Framework
Metasploit Framework is also called the most powerful tool of hackers because hackers can perform many types of hacking attacks by using Metasploit Framework, it is an open-source framework that can also be customized.
Metasploit Framework is most commonly used to create exploits, this tool is available pre-installed in Kali Linux but not everyone has a laptop or desktop, so you can install Metasploit Framework in Termux as well.
Here we are telling you two easy ways How to Install Metasploit in Termux, which you can also read and install by visiting this GitHub repository, it has been shown to you here as well.
GitHub Repository
Metasploit in Termux
Metasploit Install Termux Commands
Install Metasploit Framework (msf6) with some commands.
Method 1:-
$ pkg install wget curl openssh git -y
$ apt install ncurses-utils
$ source <(curl -fsSL
$ msfconsole
Method 2:-
Type all commands one by one…
Step 1 :-
$ apt update
$ apt upgrade
Step 2 :-
$ pkg install wget curl openssh git -y
$ pkg install python
$ pkg install python2
$ apt install ncurses-utils
Step 3 :-
$ wget
$ chmod +x *
$ ./
Now it will take some time.. so wait and after installing, for starting Metasploit type:-
$ msfconsole
For all commands in Metasploit type:-
$ help
That’s all…
Install Metasploit in Termux ?
Let us now know practically about Install Metasploit in Termux, first of all, you have to install some packages in Termux, you have also been told in the article on how to use Termux as a beginner.

First of all, you have to run this command in termux pkg install wget curl openssh git -y As soon as you run this command all the packages are installed in your phone, after that you can easily install Metasploit.

After all the packages are installed, you have to run the apt install ncurses-utils command, here all the commands are already installed so that we do not get any kind of error while installing Metasploit.

After running this command, you have to run this command to install Metasploit source <(curl -fsSL as you can see in the image also here we want to tell you It takes you 20 -25 minutes to install Metasploit, it depends on your internet speed.

When you run this command, after that you take some time here, something like this is shown in front of you, here you have to wait, after that you can use Metasploit

After installing Metasploit, you can run Metasploit by writing msfconsole, when it is installed on your phone, something like this is shown on the screen, after that, you can use it.
The way you have seen a way to Install Metasploit in Termux similarly if Metasploit is not installed in your termux with this method, then you can install it using another method, here, first of all, you must have apt update && apt upgrade command run what has been told to you in the earlier article.

After this you have to run pkg install wget curl openssh git -y command, you have to use this command both times as you can see in the image also here we are showing it already installed

After running this command, you have to install python by running pkg install python and pkg install python2 command, you get some commands in both the methods, so you do not get confused in any way.

After all, this is installed, you have to install apt install ncurses-utils, this also we installed earlier, so this is also showing us already installed as you can see in the image

After all, this is installed you have to run this command, wget / after that Metasploit will be downloaded in your termux then you can install it and use it.

After it is downloaded, you have to check through the ls command as well as execute permission so that you can install and use Metasploit, here also you have to wait for 20 -25 minutes.

After running all these commands, Metasploit will be installed on your device. After installation, something like this is shown in front of you, we know that there are other methods of How to Install Metasploit in Termux, but here we have told you about the easiest ways.

After doing all this, you can see by typing msfconsole in termux, Metasploit will be run in front of you, after that, you can use it, after this the commands remain the same which we use in Kali Linux, this article How to Install Metasploit in Termux, so here you have not been told by generating payload, you will be told about it in the next articles.
Final Words
We hope that you must have come to know about How to Install Metasploit in termux, here we have told you about two methods practically if you also follow this step by step then Metasploit will be installed in your termux.
If still it is not installed in your device then you can tell in the comment or you get any kind of error, even then you can tell in the comment, you will be fully helped if you install Metasploit from these methods. If you get an error while doing it, then you can try it once again.
We hope that you have liked our article on How to Install Metasploit in termux, on this website you are told only about termux because not everyone has a laptop or desktop but they still want to learn ethical hacking.
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