In this article, we are telling you about how to install Social Engineering Toolkit in Termux, if you are also researching the social engineering toolkit termux then you have come to the right place.
We know that we must have done a lot of research about our How to install Social Engineering Toolkit in Termux, but whatever you have got, it will not work properly now because all those methods are out of date.
It is not that the article or video on How to install Social Engineering Toolkit in Termux is wrong but with time, things change so that method is no longer working properly.
Important Note - Here we want to clear you one thing, follow all the steps of the social engineering toolkit termux correctly, or else you can face errors.
Mostly everyone is asked for root permission while installing Social Engineering Toolkit, then we use Sudo command in termux, that too we have to face some error and we are unable to install Social Engineering Toolkit again.
But here we are telling you in detail about How to install Social Engineering Toolkit in Termux, as well as you will also be told what kind of errors we had to face and how we found this method, so you can read this article carefully.
This article is only for Educational Purpose. Don’t miss use your Knowledge and Skills.
What is Social Engineering Toolkit
Before going about how to install Social Engineering Toolkit in Termux, you should know what is Social Engineering Toolkit and why hackers use it.
By the way, everyone knows about the Social Engineering Toolkit because this tool is considered one of the best hacking tools of hackers, we have also told you about it in the article with Top 10 Best hacking tools for Termux.
In easy language, if we understand Social Engineering Toolkit, then we can also say that this single tool is useful in performing many types of attacks, but the biggest problem is how to install it in Termux but here telling you about this.
Because you already get the Social Engineering Toolkit installed in Kali Linux but you have to face many problems in installing it in Termux or on your phone after this article, you can know about How to install Social Engineering Toolkit in Termux.
We know that you are in a hurry, but do not hurry now because only commands are not used here, you have to install some things too.
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How to install Kali Linux in Termux ?
Let us now tell you about How to install Social Engineering Toolkit in Termux, here first of all you have to use the same commands in your Termux that we tell you in all the articles.

As you can see in the image also, you also have to use these commands in the same way, whenever you install something new in Termux, first of all, you must use these commands.

After doing all this, you have to install two packages here, although both these packages will already be installed in your Termux if not installed then you can do this by using commands.
After doing all this you have to install kali in your termux because as you know you have to use the sudo command to run Social Engineering Toolkit

To do all this, you have to install an application, you get this app on the play store, the name of this application is anlinux, you can install it from here also by clicking on the link.

After opening this, you have to go from the menu to the dashboard as you can see in the image as well, here you follow all the steps correctly, otherwise, you can face errors.

After this, when you click on the choose button here, you get many types of operating systems as you can see in the image too, here we have used kali, you can also use the same.

After doing all this, you have to click on the copy button here, from that you get a command which you have to use in Termux.

As you can see in the image here we have pasted the same command here if git and wget package is not installed in your termux then you get an error here so you must install it first.

Here you have to wait for a while, after all this process is completed, Kali Linux will be installed in your Termux as you can see in the image, if something like this is shown in front of you then you can understand that It is installed after that you can run it. ./
How to install Social Engineering Toolkit in Termux ?
Now you have installed your kali, now we tell you about how to install Social Engineering Toolkit in Termux, first of all, you must run Kali Linux

After doing all this, you will be able to see that you will be login to Termux from the root user, after this you have to do the same here as you have used apt update and apt upgrade command in your termux.
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Here you take a lot of time, after that, you have to install some packages here like we did earlier in termux but now we are here in Kali Linux so we have to do it again here. git clone

After this you have to download the social engineering toolkit Termux tool as we do in kali Linux here also we have to do the same, we hope that till now you have done all the steps of How to install Social Engineering Toolkit in Termux correctly.

After this, you can give execute permission to this tool the way we have given here, after doing all this you have to install the requirements of Social Engineering Toolkit, for that you have to install pip3 or pip.

As you can see in the image here we have installed pip first, if you want, you can also install pip3 here if you get an error in pip3 then you can install pip.

After pip install you have to install the requirements of Social Engineering Toolkit here as you can see in the image here you have warnings shown in between but you can ignore them

After installing all the requirements you have to run this command How to install Social Engineering Toolkit in Termux This is the last command after which you can run the Social Engineering toolkit in Termux
After this a message is shown in front of you like this, after this, you can run setoolkit, but this is not the end, after that you may get the error of sudo.

If you also get the error show of sudo command not found, then you have to install sudo, after this, you can run the Social Engineering toolkit without any error.

As you can see in the image, after installing sudo, you have to give sudo setoolkit command in a terminal, that Social Engineering toolkit will be run in your Termux, keep in mind how to install Social Engineering Toolkit in Termux you will follow all the steps.
Final Words
We hope that after following all the steps mentioned in How to install Social Engineering Toolkit in Termux, you are able to run the Social Engineering toolkit on your phone.
Here we want to clear one thing to you, if you have any kind of warning shown in the installation process, then, in that case, you ignore them and you may get an error shown in the last installation but you can ignore that too.
If you follow all the steps mentioned in the article on How to install Social Engineering Toolkit in Termux, then you can also use Social Engineering Toolkit on your phone.
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