If you are also doing research about How to install Tool-X in Termux then you have come to the right place, here we are telling you step by step about How to install Tool-X in Termux.
Before telling you about How to install Tool-X in Termux, we want to tell you that here we are telling you using some tools, it will not be possible to tell using all, you also understand that.
All this is being told to you for educational purposes, you should never misuse it in any way, here we are not supporting any kind of illegal hacking.
This article is only for Educational Purpose. Don’t miss use your Knowledge and Skills.
What is Tool-X
Before going about how to install Tool-X in Termux, you should know what is Tool-X and why it is used, you must have heard its name at some point or the other.
Tool-x is not any kind of tool, it is not used to perform any kind of hacking, if you understand in easy language, you can easily install other tools by using tool-x.
It is not that you cannot install other tools without tool-x, but here you have to select a few surf options, whereas if we do it manually, then we have to use commands.
If you look at the coding of tool-x, then you will be able to see that it shows you the commands to install other tools, on the basis of which this tool can install other tools.
Before telling about How to Install Tool-X in Termux, we want to make you clear one more thing, in this you also get some tools where root permission is asked like the 4nonimizer tool.
If you also have to use some such tools, then you can read our article on How to install Social Engineering Toolkit in Termux and use the root permission tools using the method mentioned there.
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How to install Tool-X in Termux
Let us now tell you practically about How to install Tool-X in Termux, it is very easy to install this tool, you can install it using a few commands.
Commands apt update && apt upgrade pkg install git git clone https://github.com/rajkumardusad/Tool-X ls cd Tool-X bash install Type Tool-X for run this tool

You can install it easily by following all the commands of How to install Tool-X in Termux mentioned here, first, you have to use an apt update and apt upgrade command.

After doing all this you have to install the git package that will already be installed in your termux because all termux users install it first.

After this, you can download this tool as you can see in the image, in this way you can install Tool-X in Termux. git clone https://github.com/rajkumardusad/Tool-X

After downloading this tool, you can install it in termux with a single command, after which the requirement of this tool will automatically be installed here and you will be able to use it.

After doing all this, something like this opens in front of you, here you have to type yes, which is a simple thing, which you can understand only after reading that you have to do it here.

After this, something like this will be shown in front of you, now you can run Tool-x, to run this tool you simply have to type Tool-x.

After this, you get this tool by running it in front of you, here you get 377 tools that you can install and use. Here all the commands of How to install Tool-X in Termux have been completed, now we are telling you to use it.
How to use Tool-X in Termux
After how to install Tool-X in Termux, now you are being told about How to use Tool-X in Termux, here we are also telling you by using some tools, first of all, you have to type tool-x in Terminal.

After running, something like this is shown in front of you where you get to see the options to install other tools, after that you can easily install 377 tools from here.

As you can see in the image, here you get different types of tools, whatever tool you want to use here, you can install it by simply selecting its number.

As you can see in the image, in this way you can easily install any tool here, after downloading this tool you will be shown in termux itself where all the tools are shown to you.

As you can see in the image too but here this tool will not run because it requires root permission but you can use it by reading our article on How to install Social Engineering Toolkit in termux

Like we have installed the breacher tool here, the breacher tool is used to find the admin panel of a website, you find many such tools here which are also used in bug hunting.
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In this way, you can run the breacher tool, you should be able to use whatever tool you want to use here, if you want to use all these 377 tools then you can tell in the comment.

In this way the admin panel is found in any website using a breacher tool, do not use it in any kind of Black Hat Hacking.

Similarly, you can use the Red Hawk tool here, this tool is used in information gathering, you get more such tools that are used in information gathering.
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In this way, you have to first give execute permission to the Red Hawk tool. To use this, it is necessary to install PHP in your termux, if PHP is not installed in your termux then you can install it using this command. pkg install PHP

After this, when you run this tool, this tool runs in front of you, to run it, you have to use the php rhawk.php command, there you are asked the website.

In this way, you can use this tool here, where you get some basic information which you can collect for your target website, this work can be done by using other tools as well.

Similarly, you can also use subdomain scrapper here, this tool is used to find subdomains, here you get almost all such tools which you can use easily.

You will be told about this in a separate article where you will be told in detail about the tools used in Bug Hunting, for now, you can check its help and see how to use them.
Final Words
We hope that now you must have got everything about How to install Tool-X in Termux, we have also told you here use some tools.
Here in this article, we have told you in detail about How to Install Tool-X in Termux to How to Use Tool-X in Termux, using all the tools cannot be told here because the article will become very extended.
If you want that you can find the purpose of using all the tools found here, then you can comment, we will tell you using all the tools.
If you like our article on How to install Tool-X in Termux, then you must share it, if you have any kind of question, then you can ask in the comment.