If you are also doing research about Termux SMS Bomber then you have come to the right place, here we are telling you in detail about Termux SMS Bomber and Termux CAll Bomber.
Here in Termux SMS Bomber, we are not telling using Tbomb because it is not working, you also know that here we are telling you about other tools using practically
Here we are telling you everything very well about Termux SMS Bomber, so you follow all the steps correctly, we had seen using many types of tools here but it is not working.
Here we are telling you about such a tool which we are also using for a long time and it is a working tool from starting because it is not a very famous tool, all this is being told to you for educational purposes.
This article is only for Educational Purpose. Don’t miss use your Knowledge and Skills.
What is a Bombing Attack?
Before going about the Termux SMS Bomber tool, you should know what is a bombing attack, you must have heard about it at some time or the other and maybe this attack will have been performed on your number too.
There are many types of attacks in bombing like Call bombing, SMS bombing, Whatsapp bombing, Zip bombing, Logic Bombs, Email bombing, and many more types of attacks, here we are telling you about the bombing in easy language.
If the bombing attack is performed then it continues, for the quote, if there has been a call bombing attack on your number, then you keep getting calls from different numbers, similarly, SMS keeps on coming in SMS bombing.
Similarly, in all types of bombing attacks, the purpose of performing the attack remains different, it all depends on the attackers for what purpose they want to perform this attack, most of the bombing attacks are done for fun. or done to harass someone
Such bombing attacks cannot be stopped easily because every time calls and messages come from different numbers, if we block one number here, then we start getting calls from other numbers.
Practical of Termux SMS Bomber ?
Let us now tell you about the Practical of Termux SMS Bomber, here we are telling you about two tools using which this attack can be performed.
Commands apt update && apt upgrade pkg install git git clone https://github.com/MrHarshArora/CyberGhostWeapon ls cd CyberGhostWeapon chmod 777 CyberGhostWeapon.sh bash CyberGhostWeapon.sh

To use both these tools, you must first use an apt update and apt upgrade command in termux as you can see in the image also.
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After doing all this, you have to install the git package, if you have read our article on How to use Termux as a Beginner Free Guide, then you will already know about it.

After this, you have to download the tool, in this way you can download this tool git clone https://github.com/MrHarshArora/CyberGhostWeapon

After this, you have to give execute permission to this tool and install the requirements of this tool like this, here in some time all the requirements of this tool will be installed

After all the requirements are installed, you have to run the tool using the bash cyberghostweapon.sh command, something like this will be shown in front of you, here you have to press enter

After following all these steps, you will be able to see that you get the option of call bombing and SMS bombing here, you can use both here, you get both working here.
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As you can see in the image, here we have performed this attack on our own number, in the same way, you can see by performing a call bombing attack on your number.

After this, you will be able to see that calls start coming in front of you in this way, here we want to make you clear one thing, some calls fail here and there is some success.

The way we have performed a call bombing attack, a similar SMS bombing attack can also be performed as you can see in the image, here also we have performed SMS bombing on our number.
The way we have told you using a tool for Termux SMS Bomber, similarly this is another tool that is kept in the category of Termux SMS Bomber.
Although you get many types of Termux SMS Bomber tools, there are very few tools that are working, here we have told you about two Termux SMS Bomber tools that are both working.
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Commands apt update && apt upgrade pkg install git git clone https://github.com/khansaad1275/XLR8_BOMBER ls cd XLR_BOMBER chmod 777 xlr8.sh bash xlr8.sh

Before using this tool, you must first use the apt update and apt upgrade command and also install the git package. git clone https://github.com/khansaad1275/XLR8_BOMBER

After the tool is downloaded, you have to give it execute permission, the way we had given earlier, in the same way, we have given execute permission to this tool here as well.
After this tool can be used, run this tool you have to use this command bash xlr8.sh, This tool will run in front of you.

You have to give the number in such a way as you can see in the image also here we have given our number and you can also see above that SMS are also coming, in this way attackers use Termux SMS Bomber.
Final Words
We hope that you must have come to know about Termux SMS Bomber tools, we have told you here using two tools which are both working tools.
Similarly, attackers also perform such bombing attacks on your numbers, you have been told about Termux SMS Bomber tools for educational purposes, never misuse them in any way.
If you want to make a career in cyber security, then you should always go towards white-hat hacking, such attacks are done for fun, which does not make you a carer, but still, you should know about them too.
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